VDN - Valentina Error Code 144648

Johnny Harris johnny at southshore.com
Fri Mar 28 21:41:14 CDT 2014

Hello everyone,

I’m getting another error code that I can’t figure out. The ErrorCode is 144648.

I’ve looked over my sql query and I can’t find anything that would cause an error.
Looking through all of the variables in the debugger, everything looks good to me,
but it helps to have someone else look sometimes.

If anyone can pick out what could be causing my error or possibly know what the error code means I would be very grateful.

I’ve been staring at it for too long.

Dim sql As String = "UPDATE maint_payments SET " & _
    "is_void = :1, " & _
    "payment_amount = :2, " & _
    "payment_date = :3, " & _
    "payment_memo = :4, " & _
    "payment_ref = :5, " & _
    "record_ts = :6 " & _
    "WHERE pk = :7"

Dim binds(7) As String
binds(0) = Me.IsVoid
binds(1) = Me.PaymentAmount
binds(2) = Me.PaymentDate
binds(3) = Me.PaymentMemo
binds(4) = Me.PaymentReference
binds(5) = FormatDB_Date(Me.RecordTS)
binds(6) = Me.Key

If mData.OpenDatabase Then
        mData.db.SqlExecute(sql, binds)
    Catch ex As VException
        If ex.ErrorCode > 0 Then
            MsgBox("Valentina Error Code: " & ex.ErrorCode.ToString)
        End If
        _err_msg = ex.Message
    End Try
    _err_msg = mData.ErrorMessage
End If

Best Regards,
Johnny Harris
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