Close all open databases -- VDataBase_Open()

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Mon Oct 14 17:54:02 CDT 2013

Hi William and others,

I've tested it and yes, the valentina_database() function returns a 
database ID that is equal to the database ID returned but 
vDatabase_open(). This is the handler I use to close all databases:

on closeAllDatabases
    put valentina_databasecount() into myDatabaseCount
    repeat with myDatabaseNr = 1 to myDatabaseCount
       put Valentina_Database(myDatabaseNr) into myDatabaseID
       if "ERROR" is not in myDatabaseID then
          if "ERROR" is not in vDatabase_Close(myDatabaseID) then
             put vDatabase_Destructor(myDatabaseID) into myDatabaseID
             answer error "Can't close database."
          end if
          answer error "Can't get a reference to the database."
       end if
    end repeat
end closeAllDatabases

It is quite similar to the bits and pieces that William posted earlier.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
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On 10/14/2013 20:39, william humphrey wrote:
> you can do
> put VDataBase_Name( dbRef )  into MyDatabaseName from the list of
> dbRef's you got by going through each one of the numbers of the database
> in the Valentina_Database() function that returns a dbRef for each number.
> I was confused because in the documentation it says: " inIntIndex" and I
> had no idea what that was. Turns out it is just a number that is less
> than the total number of databases open.
> I'm also confused by:
> "Returns the count of databases that was instantinated in your
> application. The result counts
> both opened and closed databases. The result counts both local and
> remote databases."
> Because in my case it always returns just the number of databases that
> are open. I think it will require more experimentation but so far it
> looks like "instantiated" means open databases.

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