V4REV - select using sql functions returns bizarre values
Bernard Devlin
bdrunrev at gmail.com
Thu Dec 15 09:44:27 CST 2011
Here is the code. When I came across the first function call that did
not work ("format()"), I ran through a sampling of them, as given in
the wiki. I am otherwise able to select my data from the database
(provided that data is non-blob data, as mentioned in my earlier
emails/reports about the bugs in the bind/array interface).
All the "select function" calls listed below are directly from the
Valentina Wiki, and they are sent to the database using
VDatabase_SqlSelect, which returns a cursor, and the values are
extracted from the cursor using VField_Value (which appears to be the
only way to get hold of those values). As I say, in the case of
_some_ function calls (those returning integers) they seem to be
returned correctly.
Anyway, here's my code that produces the bizarre results.
function doLocaleFormat pDataString, kFormatType, pLocaleId
put fullPathFromConfigDict( getValentinaConfig() ) into tFilePath
put gValDatabaseAuditDict[tFilePath]["handle"] into tValDatabaseHandle
repeat for each line tStatement in valFunctionStatements()
put cr & tStatement after tListOfResults
put tListOfResults into msg
put VDatabase_SqlSelect( tValDatabaseHandle, tStatement) into tCursor
put tCursor into tValDict["db_response"]
handleError tValDict
put getListFromValCursor( tCursor) into tResult
put "=" && tResult after tListOfResults
get VCursor_Destructor( tCursor )
end repeat
return tListOfResults
end doLocaleFormat
function valFunctionStatements
put "SELECT DATABASEVERSION();" & cr after tList
put "SELECT CONCAT('Va', 'len', 'tina');" & cr after tList
put "SELECT HEAD('aesop', 'ea');" & cr after tList -- => 'ae'
put "SELECT HEX( 327680 ) ;" & cr after tList
put "SELECT FORMAT(now(), '', 'kDateFormatFull');" & cr after tList
put "SELECT INITCAP ( 'valentina' );" & cr after tList
put "SELECT LEFT('database', 5);" & cr after tList
put "SELECT IF('Hello!' LIKE 'Hello_', 1, 0);" & cr after tList
put "SELECT LOCATE('len', 'Valentina');" & cr after tList
put "SELECT MD5('1234567890');" & cr after tList
put "SELECT REGEX_REPLACE('abcd', '(ab)(cd)', '$2--$1:' );" & cr after tList
put "SELECT REVERSE('data');" & cr after tList
put "SELECT RPAD('hello',7,'?');" & cr after tList
put "SELECT SCHEMAVERSION();" & cr after tList
return line 1 to -1 of tList
end valFunctionStatements
function getListFromValCursor pValCursorPointer
put VCursor_FieldCount( pValCursorPointer ) into tFieldCountTotal
put VCursor_RecordCount( pValCursorPointer ) into tRowCountTotal
get VCursor_FirstRecord( pValCursorPointer )
repeat with tRowCounter = 1 to tRowCountTotal
get VCursor_Position(pValCursorPointer, tRowCounter )
put VCursor_Position(pValCursorPointer ) into tCurrentRow
repeat with tFieldCounter = 1 to tFieldCountTotal
put VCursor_Field( pValCursorPointer, tFieldCounter ) into fldRef
put VField_Name( fldRef) into tFieldName
put VField_Type(fldRef ) into tFieldType
case tFieldtype contains "blob"
put VBLOB_ReadRawData( fldRef ) into tFieldValue
put VField_Value( fldRef ) into fldValue
end switch
catch tErr
end try
put fldValue & tab after tList
end repeat
put cr after tList
end repeat
return line 1 to -1 of tList
end getListFromValCursor
On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 12:25 PM, Ruslan Zasukhin
<ruslan_zasukhin at valentina-db.com> wrote:
> I believe issue is not infunction.
> They work in other ADKs and just in Vstudio.
> Issue is or
> A) in method of V4REV you try to use to get string from cursor
> B) or ... Hard to image what else
> Please show EXACT code of rev you have to get this ?
> Can you get other string fields from cursor ?
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