V4REV - select using sql functions returns bizarre values

Bernard Devlin bdrunrev at gmail.com
Wed Dec 14 11:18:02 CST 2011

I ran through a selection of the various functions that can be called
from a SELECT.  As you can see from the results, most are defective:

SELECT CONCAT('Va', 'len', 'tina'); = ˇ˛V	
SELECT HEAD('aesop', 'ea'); = ˇ˛a	
SELECT HEX( 327680 ) ; = ˇ˛0	
SELECT FORMAT(now(), '', 'kDateFormatFull'); = ˇ˛W	
SELECT INITCAP ( 'valentina' ); = ˇ˛V	
SELECT LEFT('database', 5); = ˇ˛d	
SELECT IF('Hello!' LIKE 'Hello_', 1, 0); = 1	
SELECT LOCATE('len', 'Valentina'); = 3	
SELECT MD5('1234567890'); = ˇ˛E	
SELECT REGEX_REPLACE('abcd', '(ab)(cd)', '$2--$1:' ); = ˇ˛c	
SELECT REVERSE('data'); = ˇ˛a	
SELECT RPAD('hello',7,'?'); = ˇ˛h	

>From this selection it looks like IF() and LOCATE() are returning
correct results.  It seems that anything that returns a non-integer
result is failing.


On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 4:41 PM, Bernard Devlin <bdrunrev at gmail.com> wrote:

> It looks to me like V4REV needs some serious attention.  I've been
> using it for several days, and I have come across several serious bugs
> in the connector, and numerous obvious errors in the documentation.
> The most serious bug would appear to be that of the bind arrays not
> functioning (several of the other bugs may be related to that).
> Bernard

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