AW: VDataBase_IsOpen( gDBRef ) fails

Tiemo Hollmann TB toolbook at
Mon Dec 14 11:38:12 CST 2009

Hi William,

thank you for your testing offer. Because it runs fine on 90% of the
machines, the chance is very small that the error comes up on your machine,
but in case I'll like to come back to your offer.


I have read about Trevors framework. It must be a great work, but I don't
understand why it is an alternative for a (valentina) database, because it
is not a database, it is a framework, or am I incorrect?


On windows the application data dir would be an appropriate place for a db,
which is read/write, but is it it in my case?






Von: valentina-bounces at
[mailto:valentina-bounces at] Im Auftrag von william
Gesendet: Montag, 14. Dezember 2009 18:22
An: Valentina Developers
Betreff: Re: VDataBase_IsOpen( gDBRef ) fails




I would be happy to do some testing of your program on Mac OS X snow leopard
if you think it might help. I have always used Valentina in the development
environment but I want to release it using framework


Because with framework you can set-up a "check for updates" button on your
application which otherwise is very hard to do. I also love how frameworks
makes both the windows and the mac compiled version ready for use there all
the time. What I don't like about framework is that there are not enough
valentina/rurrev developers using it


I keep my database here: /Library/VServer_Office/databases/my_database.vdb.
on mac os but I have no idea where to keep it on windows but since I will
always recommend that my customers buy vstudio and vServer so that they can
have a better handle on their database (that is my plan anyway) then the
database will need to be where vServer expects it and I haven't gotten
around to doing any windows testing. I'm tempted just to tell my customers
to buy macs.



On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 1:01 PM, Tiemo Hollmann TB <toolbook at>


I am using V4REV_3 and I have two support issues, without a solution. 


1. Right when launching my app, before opening the database I am doing a
test with VDataBase_IsOpen( gDBRef ) if it is already open, if not I am
opening it.

On 99% of the installations this runs smooth, but some customers get a
function error at this statement on Mac and Win. The curious thing on this
is, that it only happens since my latest update release. And it happens
reproducible at this some customers every time they launch my app. When
installing an older version of my app, it runs without this problem. But
since the beginning of this app I have nothing changed on this function or

So there are two questions: 1. What could be the difference in the
environment of the machines, where it runs and not, what could have an
effect on this statement? 2. What could have changed in my App from one
version to the next that this error appears, but only on a few machines? My
only idea is, that perhaps the valentina drivers or my program isn't fully
or correctly loaded. But is so, why and what could I change? Does anybody
has experienced anything similar and has any hint or direction for my


2. With the first version of my App I got on some Mac machines an index
error. So I added a VDataBase_SQLExecute( gDBRef, "REINDEX DATABASE" ) after
having opened the database and the problem was gone.

Because my database has no write or update actions on it (it is only read by
my App), the database file resides in a subfolder of my program dir, what
was no problem concerning any user rights for write action. Now I got
unsure, what actually is happening with the reindex database. Is this a
write performance on the database file or does the reindex only happens in
the memory? If it is a write performance on the file I think it should not
resides in the prog dir, but 1. I can't change the whole design of my App at
all customers out there and 2. If this could get a problem, why is it
running at all (most) customers? 3. Could problem #1 has anything to do with
this, though the reindex happens a dozens statement later as the test of
being open and no error is thrown on this statement.


I appreciate any hints or opinions, sometimes I don't see the wood for the

Thank you






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