VDataBase_IsOpen( gDBRef ) fails

william humphrey bill at bluewatermaritime.com
Mon Dec 14 11:21:45 CST 2009


I would be happy to do some testing of your program on Mac OS X snow leopard
if you think it might help. I have always used Valentina in the development
environment but I want to release it using framework


Because with framework you can set-up a "check for updates" button on your
application which otherwise is very hard to do. I also love how frameworks
makes both the windows and the mac compiled version ready for use there all
the time. What I don't like about framework is that there are not enough
valentina/rurrev developers using it

I keep my database here: /Library/VServer_Office/databases/my_database.vdb.
on mac os but I have no idea where to keep it on windows but since I will
always recommend that my customers buy vstudio and vServer so that they can
have a better handle on their database (that is my plan anyway) then the
database will need to be where vServer expects it and I haven't gotten
around to doing any windows testing. I'm tempted just to tell my customers
to buy macs.


On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 1:01 PM, Tiemo Hollmann TB <toolbook at kestner.de>wrote:

>  Hello,
> I am using V4REV_3 and I have two support issues, without a solution.
> 1. Right when launching my app, before opening the database I am doing a
> test with VDataBase_IsOpen( gDBRef ) if it is already open, if not I am
> opening it.
> On 99% of the installations this runs smooth, but some customers get a
> function error at this statement on Mac and Win. The curious thing on this
> is, that it only happens since my latest update release. And it happens
> reproducible at this some customers every time they launch my app. When
> installing an older version of my app, it runs without this problem. But
> since the beginning of this app I have nothing changed on this function or
> statement.
> So there are two questions: 1. What could be the difference in the
> environment of the machines, where it runs and not, what could have an
> effect on this statement? 2. What could have changed in my App from one
> version to the next that this error appears, but only on a few machines? My
> only idea is, that perhaps the valentina drivers or my program isn’t fully
> or correctly loaded. But is so, why and what could I change? Does anybody
> has experienced anything similar and has any hint or direction for my
> researches?
> 2. With the first version of my App I got on some Mac machines an index
> error. So I added a VDataBase_SQLExecute( gDBRef, "REINDEX DATABASE" ) after
> having opened the database and the problem was gone.
> Because my database has no write or update actions on it (it is only read
> by my App), the database file resides in a subfolder of my program dir, what
> was no problem concerning any user rights for write action. Now I got
> unsure, what actually is happening with the reindex database. Is this a
> write performance on the database file or does the reindex only happens in
> the memory? If it is a write performance on the file I think it should not
> resides in the prog dir, but 1. I can’t change the whole design of my App at
> all customers out there and 2. If this could get a problem, why is it
> running at all (most) customers? 3. Could problem #1 has anything to do with
> this, though the reindex happens a dozens statement later as the test of
> being open and no error is thrown on this statement.
> I appreciate any hints or opinions, sometimes I don’t see the wood for the
> trees.
> Thank you
> Tiemo
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