[V4RB] dialog about need of RB PRO ?

Ruslan Zasukhin sunshine at public.kherson.ua
Sun Feb 24 02:48:19 CST 2008

On 24/2/08 5:08 AM, "Thomas Cunningham" <mauitom at maui.net> wrote:

Hi Thomas,

> Thanks Ruslan. Getting the right product always helps. :-)
> * So, I am getting a dialog about needing the professional edition of
> Rb. I only run the standard version. So, does this mean I can not use
> your product?

You can :-)

Read carefully page about installation


> * One thing I think you really need on your web site is a brief
> paragraph about what the heck your product can do. In other words,
> what kind of jobs are suitable for a database. Perhaps you do not
> market to beginner programmers, but if you do, I would sure like to
> know why I should take the time to learn this area of programming.

Well, I think you can find these words on this page for Revolution newbie
developers. Take only general words about dbs


What is a Database? - Databases are a special kind of technology for
handling lots of information. Databases let you store your information in a
way that is safe, fast and flexible, allowing you to reuse it again and
again without creating any additional, unneccesary work.

Why Use a Database - Now that you know what a database is - why use one?

What is in a Database and Why Excel ISNT a Database - A lot of people think
a database is just a list and Excel does a good job in handling lists. It
does! But Excel makes a lousy database. Learn why.

Btw, we can extract this pages on UPPER level for all ADKs users. Not only

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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