Tell Us Your High Priority Stumpers (was RE: Newbie question: Valentina 2.5.8 & Rev 2.8.1 on OS X:where's)

Lynn Fredricks lfredricks at
Wed Feb 20 16:49:33 CST 2008

Hello all,

> I do agree (as all of us do, Ruslan included) that the wiki 
> pages can do with a review by a native speaker.
> If you are long enough on the list, you may have noticed that 
> Lynn and Ruslan on regular basis call upon us developer to 
> improve the wiki pages by rephrasing parts that need to be rephrased.
> I have been doing this for a while but this is not too high 
> on my priority list as the longer one uses the wiki the more 
> it becomes understandable (maybe primarily for non-native 
> speakers as we need to adapt our idiom to English just as the 
> wiki has been written from within another idiom to English. 
> After I while I must admit that I started to find it funny, 
> but I digress...

This is very true for anyone who exists in a multi-language situation (my
household itself having 2-3 languages).

> So the problem remains. Somebody native speaker English 
> should take it upon them to augment the quality of the wiki 
> pages. Of course they could hire somebody (well I'm not sure 
> about the of course part), but , and here lies the problem I 
> think, Valentina is evolving a such a pace that writing up 
> the documentation must be a hell of a job.

Id like to present a "squeaky wheel getting the grease" proposition. As it
is, we have new materials added by our engineers (mostly Ukranian and some
German), that then gets translated in part to German. If we can agree and
consolidate the top five articles to "native", I can have some people look
at those first, polish those, then we move on to the next five, and so on.

As someone with extensive living in a non-native English speaking country,
Id like to share this very funnny site with you:

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Paradigma Software

Valentina SQL Server: The Ultra-fast, Royalty Free Database Server 

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