Feature request: Collation settings on connection level

Thorsten Hohage thohage at objectmanufactur.com
Tue Jun 19 04:04:06 CDT 2007


On 2007-06-19, at 10:49, Ruslan Zasukhin wrote:

> But this means that YOU SELF have not specify db.Collation() for  
> your dbs
> under different servers. Right?
> IF you have 10 VSERVER which manage the same database,
>     and they all on creation of DB
>     use not system settings, but YOUR specified settings
> Then all 10 dbs will work in the same way 100%.

The last sentence is exactly the point I'm and I think Bart is  
talking about. I have

1 VServer created with "my" collation settings and 10 users, but

3 from Spain
3 from USA
4 from Germany

and the germans want a german sort order, the spain their common and  
of course the USA boys their while all connected to the same server  
and the same db.


3 VServer with a db on each.

VServer NYC is set to the "us english" collation

VServer BCN is set to "spanish"

VServer HH is set to "german"

so everybody form the local office is happy. But no they start  
interchanging their offices, no problem in my App, they just switch  
the language for this user and he works in BCN office and "uses"  
german screens to print an english report.

BUT when he does a search the result list is sorted in the spanish  
way and like a good old german idiom "das kommt mir Spanisch  
vor!" (that looks like spain) he starts making mistakes, because the  
records are not at the place, he expect to be.

Furthermore in this situation when all three office does a report, in  
most cases the result is different in question of the order (I  
already re-write my software here and does an inmemory ordering of  
the result set)


Thorsten Hohage
objectmanufactur.com - Hamburg,Germany

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