Trap Valentina license time limit - where isthedocumentationhypelinks - LOL, can we take a good ribbing?

Barry G. Sumpter BarrySum at BigPond.Net.AU
Fri Jul 6 17:24:04 CDT 2007

Hi Lynn,

I'd be very excited about assisting if it would get the ball rolling and
encourage others to contribute.

I can only suggest that we start dividing up the pages into logical groups
and post the groups so people can volunteer.

I'm volunteering for some of the Valentina for REALbasic documentation.

Any other suggestions?  Volunteers?

    Barry G. Sumpter


Ruslan is indeed on vacation, but both Kiril and Ivan are both watching now
and then.

The REAL Software guys will naturally send you over here to get more
information on Valentina. There's a lot of sensitivity there about our
marketing Valentina on their list, and we have to respect that.

We'd certainly welcome some help with the wiki. We have a double-trouble
situation where our original docs are not only written by non-native
speakers of English, but also that there is differences in how different
programming environments with with Valentina (hey, it was kind of refreshing
to see a Delphi question! :-)).

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Paradigma Software

Valentina SQL Server: The Ultra-fast, Royalty Free Database Server 

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