V4MD Newbe question: SelectAllRecords crashes when no records in db

Ruslan Zasukhin sunshine at public.kherson.ua
Wed Dec 19 13:17:26 CST 2007

On 19/12/07 2:23 PM, "Marc Schmitt" <Marc_Schmitt at gmx.de> wrote:

Hi Marc,

> I am from Germany and new to valentina and databases in general.
> My knowledge in Director is quite good, but when it comes to
> valentina, I am just doing the first steps. Hello to you!

Welcome to Valentina.
We can make long discussions of features by cold winter days :-)

> So, here are my three major problems/questions I am struggling with:
> No1:
> In the kernel-reference-pdf I found the class VarraySet with its constructor
> methods. 
> Quote:
> VArraySet( inBitSet as VBitSet )
> Constructor. Creates a new ArraySet from the given inBitSet. The ArraySet
> contains the same items as inBitSet.
> I wanted to use this for converting a VBitSet to a VarraySet. But I can't find
> the corresponding lingo command for it. My current workaround is to read out
> the recIDs within a repeat-loop and put it into a lingo-list. I'm afraid that
> this workaround is quite weak in performance when there are millions of
> entries..?
> No2
> When I use table.selectAllRecords() and the table has no containing records
> this will result in a crash ('fatal error' and director quits). When exactly
> the same table has at least one record, everything is fine and the result is a
> proper VbitSet.  

Hmm, I see that you try to use API way in the V4MD.

Although we have provide it for V4MD2, I should admit, 99.9% of V4MD users
use the SQL way.

So my question is:
    do you know/read about difference of API and SQL ways?

I want to see if this is your intention, or this "just happens".

Problem is that API way is best for LOCAL db only. It is probably not very
good tested by life for V4MD, and Lingo is not so fast language as e.g. RB
or C++, so API way here can be not so best...but all depends on task.
> No3
> Wy is it called 'valentina' ??? :D
> Here my specs: WinXP, Director v 10.1.1, valentina2 xtra v

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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