V4MD Newbe question: SelectAllRecords crashes when no records in db

Marc Schmitt Marc_Schmitt at gmx.de
Wed Dec 19 06:23:08 CST 2007

Hi there,

I am from Germany and new to valentina and databases in general.
My knowledge in Director is quite good, but when it comes to 
valentina, I am just doing the first steps. Hello to you!

So, here are my three major problems/questions I am struggling with:

In the kernel-reference-pdf I found the class VarraySet with its constructor methods. 

VArraySet( inBitSet as VBitSet )
Constructor. Creates a new ArraySet from the given inBitSet. The ArraySet contains the same items as inBitSet.

I wanted to use this for converting a VBitSet to a VarraySet. But I can't find the corresponding lingo command for it. My current workaround is to read out the recIDs within a repeat-loop and put it into a lingo-list. I'm afraid that this workaround is quite weak in performance when there are millions of entries..?

When I use table.selectAllRecords() and the table has no containing records  this will result in a crash ('fatal error' and director quits). When exactly the same table has at least one record, everything is fine and the result is a proper VbitSet.  

Wy is it called 'valentina' ??? :D

Here my specs: WinXP, Director v 10.1.1, valentina2 xtra v

Thanks in advance and cheers

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