Sort using system settings (Mac OS X)

jda jda at
Sun Dec 9 13:02:29 CST 2007

> O Ö P IS the correct order. Why do you thing it should be O P Ö?  
> This is a plain ascii sorting. The first ordering is the result of  
> the ICU library. Have a look at

Sadly, that does not appear to be the case for Swedish. To prove it,  
set the International sort preference to Swedish. Now create a folder  
with three subfolders with these names

Åmick, JD
Awram, P
Alley, MR

When you sort in the Finder, they sort as

Alley, MR
Awram, P
Åmick, JD

Change the International sort to English and they sort as

Alley, MR
Åmick, JD
Awram, P

So my user, who is Swedish, BTW, and should know, is correct.

But Valentina is ignoring the cue from the System Preferences for sort  


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