[V4RB] pgSQL4RB and CLI

Kim Kohen kim at webguide.com.au
Mon Oct 23 07:35:05 CDT 2006

G'day Ruslan,

> Okay, I read that 40 seconds tutorial. You think I am impressed? :-)
> No.
Do you think I'm surprised you disagree?  :)

> Kim, in our V4RB/Examples/Shared/ExampleTools we have code prepared  
> for use
> in MANY of our examples. Right?
It's not so much the examples as the methodology. Marc's classes only  
cover the basics, but with those done it's a snap to do just about  
anything else. That's not the case with the Valentina tutorial.  The  
Valentina examples are plentiful but poorly documented/commented.  
Some have no comments or documentation at all - they assume the user  
is proficient enough with RB that they'll be able to understand them.  
The RB Objects can be especially cryptic. Take the vStructureBrowser.  
Over 20 complex methods, a single, blank window, very few comments  
and no documentation on how to use it.

As you know, my history is as an FMP developer rather than a  
programmer. I went to RB looking for an alternative DB solution and  
eventually found Valentina. I think it's important you assume the  
Valentina newbie will also be an RB, XCode, Director, Revolution  
newbie and document the examples and tutorials accordingly.

> For example, we have code that show any cursor into ListBox.
> You can consider this as *binding*, difference only that instead of  
> mouse
> drag you write one line of code.
hmmm, don't know that I agree with this. It took me 25 lines to fill  
a listbox with a cursor. Am I missing something? Which example are  
you talking about?

> 1) I VERY DOUBT it is more easy for understanding of newbie than 2  
> lines of
> code which I can make in that "Valentina 40 seconds tutorial".
The problem is it's hard for you to see this from a newbie's  

As someone who has gone through RBDB using MySQL, PostgreSQL using  
Marc's classses and Valentina's API - all with the SAME project - I  
can honestly say Marc's was the easiest to understand and easily the  

> As say Ivan -- such things are like "magic". Developers often do not
> understand what they do - just repeat some "magic steps".
Sometimes you need to understand the magic, other times you don't.  
Valentina also uses this hidden 'magic'.  Look at  
mcusrsor.updaterecords() - I have no idea what makes it work. I have  
trouble with this command because it doesn't work like I'd expect it  
to (I'll explain in depth later)  On the other hand I don't have to  
understand the Valentina init(10*1024*1024) command to finish my  

> 2) Note, that REALbasic allow you create your own bindings. RIGHT?
> So if you want you can EASY create in minutes bindings that will  
> populate
> from VCursor to Listbox and enjoy by life. :-)
I have no idea how you'd do this with RB bindings.

> IF you want we can do this job all together. And later add this  
> into V4RB in
> open source instead of encrypted form like do Marc.
I suspect my RB skills are not sufficient to to this - as much as I  
think it would be good.  Just be clear I'm not trying to be critical  
of Valentina  here, just point out where it can be improved. Given  
time, I'd be happy to work with you to try and make things easier for  
new users - and I will try and finish my sample project, one day:)



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