[V4RB] pgSQL4RB and CLI

Ruslan Zasukhin sunshine at public.kherson.ua
Sun Oct 22 16:30:32 CDT 2006

On 22.10.2006 15:13, "Kim Kohen" <kim at webguide.com.au> wrote:

Hi Kim,

> As best as I can tell, a pgSQL4RB cache is similar to a vCursor but
> easily created via the GUI and simple to bind to any control without
> code. It also makes it extremely easy to update multiple editfields,
> listboxes, popups from the same cache without code (other than a
> query).  

Okay, I have download, open their rbp project.

I see that classes. As I expected Marc have provide sub-class of each RB
control, and add into this subclass some functionality. This way we have
discuss on RB lists about 5-6 years ago.

Okay, I read that 40 seconds tutorial. You think I am impressed? :-)

Yes I am aware many years of bindings of REALbasic.
Last 1.5 years we play with Binds in Apples cocoa.
My own opinion so far about bindings - nightmare.

Yes, sometimes they are useful for fast raw building of something...
But how it is hard later understand something in that window,
Or understand something in a project from other developer.

If look on this 40 seconds project, then excuse me:
    we can produce the same tutorial for Valentina users.

Aha, here there is no ANY word about where database came from?
Test database? It is prepared under server. Okay.
But tomorrow you will need make your own.

This tutorial make only 2 edit fields and one button.
Connect to server and execute query to show it in list box.

Kim, in our V4RB/Examples/Shared/ExampleTools we have code prepared for use
in MANY of our examples. Right?

For example, we have code that show any cursor into ListBox.
You can consider this as *binding*, difference only that instead of mouse
drag you write one line of code. What is better? I think deal of everybody.

So if use PREAPRED database under server, and PREPARED code which is dragged
into project, then using V4RB right now without any binding you can do the
same with 2 lines of code for example in 20-30 seconds.

> I converted my MySQL app to postgres using pgSQL4RB in a
> couple of hours. I expect doing the same thing using Valentina's API
> will take several weeks of learning, testing and re-writing a _lot_
> of code (it's a big app).

Okay we do not give such "ready for use" prepared classes.
Yes may be we should consider this as ONE MORE feature.
It is always to have more than less :-)


1) I VERY DOUBT it is more easy for understanding of newbie than 2 lines of
code which I can make in that "Valentina 40 seconds tutorial".

As say Ivan -- such things are like "magic". Developers often do not
understand what they do - just repeat some "magic steps".

2) Note, that REALbasic allow you create your own bindings. RIGHT?
So if you want you can EASY create in minutes bindings that will populate
from VCursor to Listbox and enjoy by life. :-)

IF you want we can do this job all together. And later add this into V4RB in
open source instead of encrypted form like do Marc.

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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