V4RB 1.11 - Database on CD-ROM

Frank Bitterlich bitterlich at gsco.de
Tue Oct 4 12:12:39 CDT 2005

(Sorry for resending this, the first one didn't get through  

I'm having an urgent problem with V4RB v1.11 (RB 5.5.5) that appears  
to show up only on Windows 98.

I'm burning a CD-ROM with a little RB app and a Valentina DB for our  
customers to be executed directly from the CD. But on Win 98, the app  
refuses to open the DB; VDatabase.Open() returns false, and  
the .ErrNumber is "5" afterwards (I didn't find 5 in the docs; and it  
is a positive number, so it shouldn't be a Windows error code, should  

The .ErrString is empty; the Database is located at "D:\GSCO- 
MGST.VDB". I can access the FolderItem itself just fine.

On Win XP, it works fine; it also works if I copy the stuff from the  
CD onto the harddisk.

What can be the reason for that? What can I do? In this scenario,  
installing the app and database on harddisk is not an option, it has  
to be executed from the CD. Of course, this happens just before a  
deadline :(, I'll have to produce 60 CDs tomorrow... help!



Günter Schmidt & Co. oHG
Frank Bitterlich             eMail: bitterlich at gsco.de
Schlosserstr. 4              WWW:   http://www.gsco.de/
D-60322 Frankfurt            Tel.:  069 / 156809-29
GERMANY                      Fax:   069 / 156809-28

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