[V4RB 1.11] Database on CD-ROM

Frank Bitterlich bitterlich at gsco.de
Tue Oct 4 11:53:06 CDT 2005

I'm having an urgent problem with V4RB v1.11 (RB 5.5.5) that appears  
to show up only on Windows 98.

I'm burning a CD-ROM with a little RB app and a Valentina DB for our  
customers to be executed directly from the CD. But on Win 98, the app  
refuses to open the DB; VDatabase.Open() returns false, and  
the .ErrNumber is "5" afterwards (I didn't find 5 in the docs; and it  
is a positive number, so it shouldn't be a Windows error code, should  

The .ErrString is empty; the Database is located at "D:\GSCO- 
MGST.VDB". I can access the FolderItem itself just fine.

On Win XP, it works fine; it also works if I copy the stuff from the  
CD onto the harddisk.

What can be the reason for that? What can I do? In this scenario,  
installing the app and database on harddisk is not an option, it has  
to be executed from the CD. Of course, this happens just before a  
deadline :(, I'll have to produce 60 CDs tomorrow... help!



Günter Schmidt & Co. oHG
Frank Bitterlich             eMail: bitterlich at gsco.de
Schlosserstr. 4              WWW:   http://www.gsco.de/
D-60322 Frankfurt            Tel.:  069 / 156809-29
GERMANY                      Fax:   069 / 156809-28

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