RB 5.0

jda jda at his.com
Thu Mar 6 15:52:01 CST 2003

>One school of thought is to upgrade now anyway to show support for version
>5's potential. But since they've not provided an explanation to the user
>community for 5.0's release, I've decided not to reward them 'hoping for the
>best'. Been there, done that with several problems in 4.5... Once they were
>on to 5.0, nothing was done to fix existing issues with the current release
>I had paid for.
>So with 5, I'll wait until I can purchase an upgrade I can actually use.

I bought 5 (actually, spent $200 to upgrade to Pro fro "amateur") 
because they need the cash. They've expanded the company a lot in the 
last 12 months, and to remain viable they need to pay salaries. I'd 
much rather that they release a buggy 5 but fix it in a month or so 
than that they wait for a solid release but have to let people go (or 
worse, fold) because of cash flow problems. So I consider it an 
investment. Others may see it differently... :->


P.S. I'd do the same for Valentina.

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