[V4RB] Locked record problem

erne ernestogiannotta at tiscalinet.it
Sun Jul 6 19:59:35 CDT 2003

Hi Jon,

On Domenica, lug 6, 2003, at 17:08 Europe/Rome, jda wrote:

> So, either kNoLocks must work, or is there a way to do a search for 
> records that are not locked by virtue of being in an open cursor 
> (something like "select * from myRecords where recordLock = false")?

how do you know that only unlocked records are needed?

without NoLocks you just can't afford to have more than 1 cursor around
if you plan to edit your records at some time

you'll have to take the data, put them somewhere and kill the cursor 

I don't like that!

Cool Runnings,

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|ne| a media store

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