[for ALL] Valentina Server 1.x // And theysayOpenBaseisgood?

Lynn Fredricks fci at europa.com
Mon Feb 10 20:41:40 CST 2003

> In a way you're right-- all this new technology requires more 
> than 4.5 months time. I'd bet it won't all be ready for prime 
> time commercial deployment before fall.
> On the other hand, this is an asinine position for you to 
> take after I've made it clear that as a Valentina developer, 
> I've been patient for years and I am hurting with an existing 
> user base of nearly a thousand of users. It's a very long 
> time in my situation Lynn. It's unfortunate you care so 
> little about the vital needs of this Valentina developer when 
> Ruslan has a nearly complete intermediate solution.

I can appreciate that its been a long time coming. Based on the many new
releases and subsequent infinite stream of beta releases of those many
new Valentina 1.x products, this baby needs to be brought to term
without any more distraction.Its clear that adding and supporting new
derivative products of Valentina 1.x has significantly delayed work on
Valentina 2. This would be another one.

Many here have had the experience where a bug is tripping them up, and
Ruslan spends a day or so (or weekend, or evening sleep or whatever) to
fix it so that they can deliver a product on schedule. Ruslan is a nice
guy to do that. But that too has significantly delayed work on Valentina

>From a purely *commercial* perspective, adding a Valentina 1.x server
solution does not make sense with Valentina 2 this far along. Also, I
don't believe it could be released and "finished" by the end of the
month and still not continue to drain resources from Valentina 2

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Proactive International, LLC


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