[for ALL] Valentina Server 1.x // And they sayOpenBaseisgood?

Lynn Fredricks fci at europa.com
Mon Feb 10 18:47:13 CST 2003

> Sorry Lynn, it was today that Ruslan and I were chatting 
> about a 1.x embedded server. Ruslan raised the idea and told 
> me he could have a beta by the end of February and out maybe 
> even out by the end of March. Remember he started this 
> discussion dsaying they already had the server running on the 
> 1.x kernel.
> If you want to pull Ruslan's announced idea today due to 
> marketing considerations that is your prerogative. But let's 
> not pretend it didn't happen -- it came directly from Ruslan.

Im not in denial that Ruslan didn't bring this up, Keith, just that you
shouldn't get your hopes up.

> Please remember that loyalty of your current customers is a 
> vital asset. I urge you to help your developers who are 
> hurting due to endless server delays. We've been a pretty 
> patient bunch.

That's actually why its better to wait -- its better to get a superior
Valentina 2 solution than a Valentina 1.x solution that will have a very
limited shelf life.

> Ironically Ruslan began this thread talking about how 
> OpenBase was technically inferior to Valentina. Products that 
> are available now and supported enthusiastically and 
> responsively often kill 'technically superior' products. The 
> OpenBase folks have shown great concern and care in helping  
> those who choose to develop with their products. This is why 
> OpenBase is being adopted by the Realbasic community. If it's 
> not a speed demon today but works adequately, that is way 
> better than an brand new unproven technology that is 
> endlessly delayed.
> If I have to wait until June or July for 2.0 to be tested and 
> proven with an all new code base, a new SQL parser, and 
> server capabilities, my lead revenue generating software very 
> likely will not be built on the Valentina.
> If this is not a concern for you, then you're a liability to 
> Ruslan's brilliance -- in spite of your stated conviction 
> that you're trying to keep him from being distracted.

I think it's a waste of time to divert what few resources Paradigma has
to spend additional time creating something that will be put to bed once
Valentina 2 is done. If you'd like to front the money for Paradigma to
hire on an extra person for this special build, then by all means open
your wallet, or provide some significant arguments that your lead
generating software will generate enough new Valentina sales to make it
a reasonable decision.

Its been a long time to get to this point in Valentina 2 development. I
couldn't see the horizon last year at this time, but I can now. June or
July? June is 4 1/2 months away. In development terms, that isnt very
long at all.

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Proactive International, LLC


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