V4RB Windows bug error 524
jeff benjamin
jeffb at interactiveink.com
Wed Apr 2 20:52:13 CST 2003
A few hours of testing and narrowing down the issues has produced
definitive results. I will forward to Ruslan a small RB file which
reproduces the error.
Here is what will cause what I think is an erroneous #524 error:
Begin with a structure-encrypted db. Make the file read-only (locked in
the Mac Finder or read-only with Windows properties).
Execute two 'open' commands, the first to determine that the file is
encrypted (error = 328 when the file is unlocked, 5 if locked). Before
the second, set the encryption key (SetStructureEncryption). Second
open command (if running on Windows and the db file is locked) will
produce error 524. On Mac, no error.
Thanks for the tips. I hope this info may be useful to someone in the
Sample code snippet:
w.mDataBase = new MyDataBase
res = w.mDataBase.Open( f )
if(res = false) then
MsgBox "Can't open database. Error: " +
Str(w.mDataBase.ErrNumber) // errnumber = 328 if file is not locked, 5
if it is locked
w.mDataBase.SetStructureEncryption( "1" )
res = w.mDataBase.Open( f ) // BOOM - this is where the error
occurs only on Windows if the file is locked - error #524
if(res = false) then
MsgBox "Can't open database. Error: " +
Str(w.mDataBase.ErrNumber) // no error if file is not locked, 524 if
file is locked
return false
end if
return false
end if
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