YMVSF - Yet more Valentina Studio Feedback

Ed Kleban Ed at Kleban.com
Thu Dec 22 20:56:03 CST 2005

Double clicking on a table in the Database Elements column of the Schema
Browser should open a Data Browser window on the selected table name.


On 12/20/05 4:08 PM, "Ruslan Zasukhin" <sunshine at public.kherson.ua> wrote:

> On 12/21/05 12:02 AM, "Ed Kleban" <Ed at Kleban.com> wrote:
>> Is there really merit to having data browser row numbers displayed in a first
>> column that happen to NOT be RecID values?  Does this offer any benefit?
>> Might it not offer some considerable confusion?   It sure did for me.
> Hard to say. Can be also added as option into VIEW menu.

No longer hard for me to say.  PLEASE provide an option to suppress display
of the line numbers.  My default settings will be, and I believe might well
be argued as reasonable defaults, to never display line numbers and to
always display RecID numbers.  Right now, I am continually confusing the
line numbers for RecId numbers and getting lost and confused in my

I realize that for the style of DB accesses that many others will employ,
RecID numbers are totally irrelevant.  But if you are using the API calls
instead of SQL, this is far less likely to be the case.

> At least this help to UNDERSTAND that RecID is not equal to Logical number
> of record :-)

Maybe.  Or maybe just confuse people more.  For example the views shown in
the data browser are now showing something completely different from the
views in the diagrams you include in the Kernel reference.  If RecIds were
displayed instead the two would be showing the same thing.

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