[ANN] Valentina for Cocoa 2.4 b1 uploaded

Ruslan Zasukhin sunshine at public.kherson.ua
Wed May 10 16:10:25 CDT 2006

On 5/10/06 3:19 PM, "Justin Drury" <justin at crunch-recording.com> wrote:

>>> I am trying to compile the simple example included with the Valentina
>>> for Cocoa 2.4b1 upload.
>>> I get the following error:
>>> /usr/bin/ld: warning can't open dynamic library: /Developer/SDKs/
>>> MacOSX10.4u.sdk/usr/local/lib/vcomponents/VSDK.framework/Versions/A/
>>> VSDK referenced from: /Library/Frameworks/V4CC.framework/V4CC
>>> (checking for undefined symbols may be affected) (No such file or
>>> directory, errno = 2)
>>> Am I really supposed to move a copy of the vcomponents into the /
>>> Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk folder?
>>> Or am I supposed to do something else?
> Hey Matthew, that's the best way to do it.  You must be compiling
> against the 10.4u SDK so we need to also put(or create a sym link to)

But this sounds somehow strange

> a copy of the V4CC.framework into that location.  Or conversely if
> you are not worried about Intel at this point, double click the
> project icon in Xcode and change it to "Current OS", that'll use
> your /Library/Frameworks folder.

* but Mathew use PPC G5

* on my side it seems I also use 10.4u SDK and I was NOT need
    manage this issue

Somehow not clear ...

Why even on MAC INTEL they do not use Famework installed into


> The other script code Ruslan provided is to create a sym link to a
> VComponent inside your packaged app, otherwise the app will crash on
> launch(as soon as it calls a Valentina function).  I'm hoping that
> Ruslan and crew figure out a workaround for this so its no longer
> necessary! (Or we'll build a version of V4CC that can be put into the
> applications' package)

Yes -- this is for V4CC

Mathew try C++ SDK on G5 PPC

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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