
Robert Brenstein rjb at robelko.com
Thu Jun 30 19:03:15 CDT 2005

>maybe in two month i´ll have access to an own 
>server. This one will be mac or linux.
>To control that service it would be nice to setup a small web interface.
>would it be possible to control VServer via 
>VPHP/html/xhtml in future? Well - if yes: i do 
>not know enough about that stuff but i´ll need 
>to learn it anyway...
>but also a shockwaved site could do that job..
>as i remember trowout() on VServer does not trash db, it unregisters only...
>is that actually that way?

Yes, if VServer can be controlled with shell 
commands or applescript on mac, I can probably 
make a simple web interface to control it. I 
would try making it self-contained, without a 
need for Apache or PHP.


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