[V4RB] 2.0 b46 uploaded.

jda jda at his.com
Thu Feb 17 08:48:51 CST 2005

>Hi Jon,
>If you are not building a console application, you should really avoid
>using app.DoEvents!  DoEvents is really only intended for console
>applications as calling DoEvents can cause some very unexpected behavior
>in GUI applications.  I'll refer you to a good explanation that Aaron
>Ballman wrote (he's a developer at REAL) in his blog:
>That said, I have seen a problem with my new app similar to what you are
>describing, but I'm so early in the development of this new app that I
>thought it was just me not being aware of the current state of my app or
>some little piece of "crap code" I had temporarily put in just to be
>able to test another part of the app.  I don't have the code in front of
>me, so I can't really look into it right now, but I'll try to see if I
>can reproduce what I saw then try to figure out why.  Maybe between the
>2 of us, we can figure out exactly what is going on and why so we can
>get either REAL or Ruslan to look into fixing it.

Hi John,

Thanks for the warning -- I am familiar with pitfalls of .doEvents.

Hopefully Ruslan will be able to get around this by  yielding some 
time to RB from the plug-in. I was just posting this workaround so 
Ruslan could see where the problem is (lack of RB processing/updating 

BTW, I *do* use app.doEvents in one situation in RB -- when I have a 
modal update window (barberpole, counter, etc) and want to show 
progress. I used to create a thread for this, but it was such a hack. 
app.DoEvents hasn't caused a problem so far in this limited use.

>Just trying to look out for my fellow Valentina developers :-)



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