[V4RB] 2.0 b46 uploaded.

Sims, John AYU8 at CDC.GOV
Thu Feb 17 08:35:57 CST 2005

Jon said:
> I have found what appears to be the problem, and a workaround.
> After Valentina creates a file, it may not actually exist yet (I see 
> this when using GetSaveFolderItem in RB and replacing an existing 
> file).
> If I add this line
>        app.DoEvents
> the file status changed to .exists = true
> This is obviously something we shouldn't have to code every time a 
> Valentina db is created. Maybe Valentina just needs to yield time to 
> RB after the file is created?
> Jon

Hi Jon,

If you are not building a console application, you should really avoid
using app.DoEvents!  DoEvents is really only intended for console
applications as calling DoEvents can cause some very unexpected behavior
in GUI applications.  I'll refer you to a good explanation that Aaron
Ballman wrote (he's a developer at REAL) in his blog:


That said, I have seen a problem with my new app similar to what you are
describing, but I'm so early in the development of this new app that I
thought it was just me not being aware of the current state of my app or
some little piece of "crap code" I had temporarily put in just to be
able to test another part of the app.  I don't have the code in front of
me, so I can't really look into it right now, but I'll try to see if I
can reproduce what I saw then try to figure out why.  Maybe between the
2 of us, we can figure out exactly what is going on and why so we can
get either REAL or Ruslan to look into fixing it.

Just trying to look out for my fellow Valentina developers :-)

Take care,


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