Encryption Examples/Documentation?

Igor Gomon giv at tlc.kherson.ua
Mon Aug 15 13:35:34 CDT 2005

Hi Bob,

> Please see the attached sample database that I've been trying to  
> encrypt/decrypt using the Database_Encrypt_Decrypt example.  It seems  
> that a couple of things are happening in rb fc9.
> 1)  The .isEncrypted property isn't working properly.  It always  
> brings back a false when I try to encrypt a new  Un-encrypted database.
Yes, there was a bug in RB plugin. It is already fixed.

> 2)  If I do the encrypt operation twice it throws an error saying the  
> encryption key is wrong.
This is right behaviour. You can't call Encrypt() on already encrypted 
database. You can change encryption key for the database or decrypt it.
Maybe it will be more clear to throw exception like 
in this case. We will think on this.

> 3) Regardless of the state of the database I select it appears the  
> decrypting the database always returns the .isEncrypted property as  
> false.  However, if I open the database in Studio data is still  
> encrypted.

Best regards,
Igor Gomon
e-mail: giv at tlc.kherson.ua
web: http://www.paradigmasoft.com

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