Error 59504 : File "UNKNOWN" is already open.

Fran=?ISO-8859-1?B?5w==?=ois Van Lerberghe frvanlerberghe at
Sat Mar 29 09:13:39 CDT 2014

Have you some idea how I can avoid/workaround the problem ?

I must find a way. I've had this error with V4RB 4.3 too and in another part
of my project, but, as I said, this is not a constant error (or I have not
seen nor understood how I can reproduce it), I try 10 or 20 times the same
manipulation without throwing an error and suddenly it appear.

Basically I fill an arrau with some (17) cursors.
Each cursor is build querying one table of my database (55 tables) the WHERE
clause And ORDER clause being based on a DateTimeField :
    WHERE DateModification > '25/03/2014 18:08:32:000'
    ORDER BY myTableName.DateModification

Sometimes I don't have this error, sometimes after the 5th table, or the
10th table... This is not always the same.

The cursors are build with the parameters
This is with local databases (not Vserver).

Thank you.

François Van Lerberghe
Rue Thier Monty, 15 A
4570 Marchin
+32 (0)85 25 08 25

le 26/03/14 18:33, François Van Lerberghe <frvanlerberghe at> a
écrit :

> le 26/03/14 11:54, Ivan Smahin <ivan_smahin at> a écrit :
>>> What is the meaning of the error #59504 : File "UNKNOWN" is already open." ?
>>> I'm getting this error when I try to issue an SQL Select. If I try again the
>>> same SQL query, no problem. This error is raised not consistently from times
>>> to times.
>>> V4RB 4.9 (no problem with 4.3), Mac OS 10.6.8
>>> RealStudio 2010r3.2
>> Probably it was already opened cursor (result of the same or similar query)?
>> It seems it is about some embedded (virtual) file (field storage for example)
>> - not OS regular file.
>> Anyway - could you check that no opened cursor there?
>> Or could you send me some app which reproduce this issue?
> Thank you Ivan for your answer.
> I have a similar cursor some lines before, but I "nil" it before asking this
> one. And both cursors are build with EVLockType.kNoLocks. But, I suppose I
> can query 2 cursors with the same SQL query, no ?
> This error is very erratic and rare. As I cannot reproduce consistently,
> it's difficult to send you something. If I find more I will let you know.
> François Van Lerberghe
> Rue Thier Monty, 15 A
> 4570 Marchin
> +32 (0)85 25 08 25
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