New Paradigma Website; Your Feedback Wanted

Ruslan Zasukhin ruslan_zasukhin at
Wed Dec 24 02:13:19 CST 2014

On 12/17/14, 11:30 AM, "Beatrix Willius from Moth Software"
<mail at> wrote:

> Licensing is the core differentiation.

Imagine a user who wants to
> investigate databases. His/her most important questions: what do I need to
> buy? For Xojo etc the question is relatively easy to answer. For your server
> the terminology is rather confusing.

> Take the latest Omegabundle. It only
> says "server". I thought to myself: oh great, this time finally something that
> I can buy. Only because I have this suspicious nature I asked Jochen Peters if
> Omegabundle has server or the in-house server. When he confirmed that only the
> in-house server was in the Omegabundle I was very relieved because I had
> almost bought the thing.

Hi Beatrix,

In fact if you look on Oracle, MS SQL, and any other commercial DB SERVER,
You will see that they sale

    SERVER - 1 copy --   $$$  e.g. 4K-8K$ for MS SQL

If you want install server on 10 computers,
You need 10 copies.

This is rule for last 40 years in DBMS vendors.
Very simple rule.

And only when some APP developer, comes and say
     I want to develop OWN app around your DB Server,
     and I hope it will be sold in 1000 copies,
     this will be  4K * 1000 copies = 4 millions
     to expensive ... Right?

So APP developer says, like do in shops
    Hey, I am going to buy a lots.
    Can you provide discount for such sales?
     So DB Vendors provide usually special
        discount prices  for OEM sales.

Very simple story and very simple rules.

I don't know why this cause confusing so often.

* 1 COPY - standard price of VSERVER

* Many copies to sale?
      --> Embedded Server with HUGE discounts.

If somebody want to re-sale Valentina Studio,
he also can get volume discount.

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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