Corrupt data

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Wed Apr 16 13:23:51 CDT 2014


The situation is the following. My customer sends me a database and a 
LiveCode project. Both of us have installed the latest version of 
Valentina. He is using Mac and I am using Windows.

When I run the liveCode project, the scripts open the database and 
display data (mostly) in text fields. Unfortunately, the data appears 
corrupted. It looks like binary with lots of empty lines.

The problem is not an encoding problem. If it were an encoding problem, 
I should see at least a few recognisable characters and probably most of 
the text would be readable, if it were just an encoding problem. Much 
more, it looks like an encryption problem, except that the data isn't 

If I open the database in Valentina Studio and run a few queries, 
everything seems fine.

Who has seen this before?

If you have seen this before, how did you solve the problem?

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

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