Question About Segment Errors
Infinity Development Team
dev at
Fri May 7 10:26:52 CDT 2010
======================Original Email====================
> > Believe me, if I could I'd report it to Mantis with examples. This is
>> obviously a very subtle bug. But with lots of users it happens often
>> enough that database segment errors are the #1 tech support issue I
>> have to deal with.
>Just in scenario you described looks very simple to
>A) remember what exactly was made step by step
>B) try reproduce it
>Its hard to be simpler..
>So this user self cannot reproduce now ?
Yes, of course. I meant to imply that I *did* try to reproduce it.
And of course I couldn't. Nor can the user. But it happened. As I
said, it's a subtle bug. If I could reproduce how to create segment
errors of course I would report it.
=====================End Original Email===================
My situation is very similar. I was using Valentina for an email client. Consistently, when downloading email to a certain mailbox, it would corrupt and throw up segment errors. I had a backup copy of the mailbox that was perfectly fine, and produced no errors. When the mailbox would get corrupted, I would restore from the backup, and then try redownloading (since I have my email set to not delete for a lengthy period of time). Inevitiably, the fresh mailbox would always corrupt the next time I would download email to it.
The emails in question are a developer mailing mailing list where all the emails are text only, not HTML part. The fields that were producing segment errors were vText fields. These fields, because they held the body and headers, actually had a rather large segment size, at 2048.
Unfortunately, as much as I love how fast Valentina is, I've had to switch back to SQLite. I'm already behind on a deadline, and spent too much time trying to figure this issue out. Once my deadline is over though, I'll gladly spend some time troubleshooting the above scenario and producing a working example.
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