Vserver v4.3

Stan Busk maxprog at mac.com
Mon Apr 5 04:52:34 CDT 2010

Hi Ivan,

The function code is:

aCursor = inDatabase.SQLSelect( aQuery, EVCursorLocation.kServerSide, EVLockType.kNoLocks, EVCursorDirection.kRandom )
If aCursor <> nil then
 If aCursor.RecordCount > 0 then
        aCurrency = aCursor.ULongField("Account_CurrencyRecord").Value
        aBalance  = aCursor.DoubleField("Account_Balance").Value
        aResult   = aResult + ConvertToDefaultCurrency( inDatabase, aBalance, aCurrency )  <----- CRASH HERE AFTER 6 OR 7 ITERATIONS
      Loop Until not aCursor.NextRecord()
    end if
  end if

It crashed inside the 'ConvertToDefaultCurrency' function. This is function code is:

  If inCurrency > 0 then    
    aRate      = inDatabase.mCurrency.GetRate( inCurrency )
    aDirection = inDatabase.mCurrency.GetCurrencyDirection( inCurrency ) 
    If aRate = 0 then aRate = 1
    If aDirection = 0 then
      Return inNumber / aRate
    elseif aDirection = 1 then
      Return inNumber * aRate
    end if
    Return inNumber
  end if

inDatabase.mCurrency.GetRate code is:

  If isValid( inRec ) then
    Return mRate.Value
  end if
inDatabase.mCurrency.GetCurrencyDirection is:

  If isValid( inRec ) then
    Return mDirection.Value
  end if

In both cases isValid code is:

  If RecordExists( inRec ) then
    RecID = inRec
    Return True
    Return False
  end if


> There  are  different  calls.  Probably you call Table_SetRecID inside
> this loop?
> Could you show whole loop?

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