Rich text support in VAdmin and V4MD?

Panagiotis Apostolellis takis73 at
Fri Jan 23 05:31:35 CST 2009

Thanks Bart.

Your info were the most helpful so far. I understand the two methods and
have chosen the SQL way two months ago when I started using Valentina. I
didn't understand that when Ruslan spoke about API methods he meant the way
to manipulate the DB from within Director.

Using your tips, I have managed so far to import the RTF description in the
VStudio and import that in Director, keeping the format. The only side
effect I have found so far, is that the RTF format looses the UTF-16
encoding I am using in the original text (I need it for accented
characters). I have read that it is possible to keep the encoding using the
\u tag, but haven't found a software that implements this automatically
during Save as...

Does anyone know of such a program, or even another -easier- way to support
text formatting within VStudio? I am asking the second question, because
it's rather incovenient to have all the texts in separate RTF files and
rename to TXT and re-import in VStudio, every time a single change has to be
made in a text field. We have more than 20,000 text fields to edit in this

Thanks to everyone for the feedback.

2009/1/22 Bart Pietercil <bart.pietercil at>

> Hi,
> API methods are the methods available to your specific API (in your
> case Director)
> THis implies that you have more than one way of proceeding (in fact
> there are 2 ways you can work with Valentina)
> So you have the API way (tailored to your tool) or as we call it the
> SQL-way.
> If you plan to make your tool evolute to Client Server (you will(maybe
> in the future) have a multiuser application) I feel (personal opinion
> coming your way) you are better off using the SQL way.
> If you plan on using the database in a single user setting you are
> probably better off (faster in development) using the API way.
> But this is again a matter of opinion we would like to discuss (beer
> close by, yes Thorsten, AND PIZZA also) on the upcoming VAME meeting
> (shameless plug, date not yet set)
> Now about importing rtf files into VStudio I don't see why this would
> not work.
> RTF after all isn't but a text describing language just like html.
> Where I do see problems, just as with any other tool, is that you
> would need to specify field and record delimiters that are not part of
> the raw file content.
> As you are using director it seems to me it would be way easier to
> just import your rtf-files in Director, creating a cast with all the
> (now) text members, verify them (has Director's RTF implemantation
> matured ?) and then write a loop that inserts member(x).rtf into the
> database (maybe 5 lines of code you need to study (connect db,open db,
> insert into db, close db)). Done + Verified compatible with your
> Director App. (Mind you I would always go after the member(x).html to
> insert into the db. If and when your client asks to deploy your db on
> a website, you'll know why ;-))
> hth
> Bart
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