Rich text support in VAdmin and V4MD?

Bart Pietercil bart.pietercil at
Thu Jan 22 15:09:57 CST 2009


API methods are the methods available to your specific API (in your  
case Director)
THis implies that you have more than one way of proceeding (in fact  
there are 2 ways you can work with Valentina)

So you have the API way (tailored to your tool) or as we call it the  
If you plan to make your tool evolute to Client Server (you will(maybe  
in the future) have a multiuser application) I feel (personal opinion  
coming your way) you are better off using the SQL way.
If you plan on using the database in a single user setting you are  
probably better off (faster in development) using the API way.
But this is again a matter of opinion we would like to discuss (beer  
close by, yes Thorsten, AND PIZZA also) on the upcoming VAME meeting  
(shameless plug, date not yet set)

Now about importing rtf files into VStudio I don't see why this would  
not work.
RTF after all isn't but a text describing language just like html.  
Where I do see problems, just as with any other tool, is that you  
would need to specify field and record delimiters that are not part of  
the raw file content.

As you are using director it seems to me it would be way easier to  
just import your rtf-files in Director, creating a cast with all the  
(now) text members, verify them (has Director's RTF implemantation  
matured ?) and then write a loop that inserts member(x).rtf into the  
database (maybe 5 lines of code you need to study (connect db,open db,  
insert into db, close db)). Done + Verified compatible with your  
Director App. (Mind you I would always go after the member(x).html to  
insert into the db. If and when your client asks to deploy your db on  
a website, you'll know why ;-))



On 22 Jan 2009, at 21:47, Panagiotis Apostolellis wrote:

> Hi all and thanks for the responses, but I am quite new to Valentina  
> and
> can't really follow you!
> Ruslan, what do you mean by using API methods? What do these methods  
> do and
> how are they used? Do you have any resources I can read?
> Bart and Sean, thanks for the feedback, but the problem is that  
> someone else
> is filling the DB using the Valentina Studio, which as far as I know  
> cannot
> import rtf files. Thus, I need a way to be able to format this kind  
> of text
> while inside the Valentina Studio, so when I do the import using
> Valentina/SQLSelect commands I can format the text accordingly and  
> present
> it on Stage. Sorry, if I confused you by using the VAdmin on the  
> subject
> line, but I initially thought it's the same thing with VStudio, which
> obviously isn't. The tool we are using for importing the data in the  
> DB is
> the Valentina Studio.
> Now that I clarified things, could someone be more specific on a  
> proposed
> solution? (be slow on the Valentina side, but Director is something  
> I can
> handle pretty well).
> Thanks again for the feedback.
> 2009/1/22 Sean Wilson <sean at>
>> Hi Takis,
>> If you store textMember.rtf in a TEXT field, and set textMember.rtf  
>> when
>> retrieving it from your DB, then that should be all you need to do.
>> HTH,
>> Sean.
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