VDataBase_IsOpen( gDBRef ) fails

william humphrey bill at bluewatermaritime.com
Tue Dec 15 09:37:16 CST 2009

My database open (runs once only in mainstack on open card) looks like this:

note:  I don't have any special stuff there for windows so I wonder if that
is bad?

*on* DatabaseOpen

   *put* "" into field error_field  of card "Client Card" of stack "clients"

   *put* "" into field IsOpenField  of card "Client Card" of stack "clients"

   *put* "" into field "record ID"  of card "Client Card" of stack "clients"

   *put* "" into field "total records"  of card "Client Card" of stack

   *get* Valentina_InitClient( 10 * 1024 * 1024,"hulking long serial number"

   *get* Valentina_DebugLevel("kLogParams")

   *put* VConnection_Constructor("localhost", "sa", "sa", 15432) intogConnection

   *if*  VConnection_Open( gConnection ) contains "ERROR" *then*

      *answer* error Valentina_ErrString()

      *return empty*


      *--nothing here*

   *end* *if*

   *put* VDatabase_Constructor( gConnection ) into gDatabase

   *get* VDatabase_DateFormat(gDatabase, "kYMD")

   *get* VDatabase_DateSep(gDatabase, "-")

   *get* VDatabase_Open( gDatabase, b_l_database.vdb )

   *if* it contains "ERROR" *then*

      *answer* "there was an error in DatabaseOpen"

   *end* *if*

*end* DatabaseOpen

Then I call (just to be sure that it really opened):

*on* ShowStatistics

   *put* VDatabase_Name( gDatabase )  into field "error_field" of card "Client
Card" of stack "clients"

   *put* VDatabase_IsOpen( gDatabase ) into field "IsOpenField" of card "Client
Card" of stack "clients"

*end* ShowStatistics

then I call (if the show statistics was ok) a bunch of stuff that pulls data
from the database and fills out cards, option buttons etc.
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