why does put revOpenDatabases() not work?
william humphrey
shoreagent at gmail.com
Fri Jun 6 15:51:21 CDT 2008
I got it to work. I was able to create the right kind of "single file"
database in Valentina Studio. As you said it did not put the extension on so
I did that (funny that it doesn't put the extension on).
Then I changed the type of database in the (as below) to Valentina2 instead
of Valentina3 and it worked.
I am still confused about the Valentina Init command. It doesn't seem to
make any difference to the RunRev method whether or not I do that although
it is essential for the API way.
I would not like to be the one to write docs on this!
on TestPATH
put empty into fld path
put empty into fld "database error"
get the effective filename of this stack
set the itemdel to slash
put the (item 1 to -2 of it) & slash & "recipesThree.vdb" into dbPath
put dbPath into fld path
*-- put revOpenDatabase("Valentina3","",dbPath,"sa","sa") into mDbID*
put revOpenDatabase("Valentina2","",dbPath,"","") into mDbID
put mDBID into fld "database error"
end TestPATH
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