Newbie question: Valentina 2.5.8 & Rev 2.8.1 on OS X: where's the windows vcomponents?

Ruslan Zasukhin sunshine at
Thu Feb 21 01:25:48 CST 2008

On 20/2/08 9:46 PM, "Russell Martin" <russell_martin at> wrote:

Hi Russel,

1) about promotion. I think its not our blame that you have not catch how
Valentina product line is made. I have explain now how we make Valentina


> Oh, and when you do a give away promotion, especially when you're
> giving away the previous version of the product, give away something
> that is truly useful. Had I received something that I could deploy
> cross platform, I might have actually used it, grown to love it and
> then purchased the upgrade. As it stands now, I will probably just
> slink off and think 'what a bunch of tight fisted jerks who don't know
> how to teach people how to use their product.' And if anyone ever asks
> me about Valentina I'll have to say, 'I tried to use it once. They had
> a free promo but they were only giving out licenses good on one
> platform. That and their hard to navigate website and crappy
> documentation kept me from ever finding out if it was worth the trouble.'

Nice. So we close thread?

<Website is confusing>

Really? HOME -> 
        *click* menu Products -> Revolution
        *click* on left site docs

Wow! You see referes to ALL docs for Revolution users.

Only 2 mouse clicks. Confusing?
    then excuse me.

<confusing circular linkage of WIKI>

    Really?  What about WEB itself?  :-)
    Although I know what you talking about.

    Personally me have habits to use TAB panels when I go down
    in some section of wiki so I can easy return up. This works nice
    in Safari, opera.

    and it needs to get skills navigate in WIKI,
    then it becomes more friendly. For example now links that show
    your location inside of wiki on the top of page.

    also exists field SEARCH. Very useful thing.

    Today may be more than 50 sites of developer tools which we self using
    have switch to WIKI instead of PDF. I think main reason because WIKI
    allow be docs really up to date.

<Quick Start>

    yes product can have 20 toms of docs, to read which it needs 6-12
months. For example for Sybase database. If someone need quick start, as far
as I know he jump to step-by-step Tutorial.

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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