Wanted: Managed root server for Valentina Office Server and VPHP in germany

Thorsten Hohage thohage at genericobjects.de
Mon Apr 28 06:47:08 CDT 2008

On 2008-04-28, at 13:32, Martin S. wrote:

> Ruslan Zasukhin schrieb:
>> On 4/28/08 12:44 PM, "Martin S." <blackfin at elfenherz.de> wrote:
>>  Actually this is not true that vserver requires only ROOT.
>> I think we can discuss this issue, and may be this is just deal of  
>> one more
>> bash script to be prepared for VSERVER Linux.
>> Or they can just read existed bash script and do it manually if  
>> they are
>> good experts.
> Ok, I'm no Linux expert at all.
> Can you provide me an example, step by step, how to install VServer  
> without root-access?
> On a managed server, you don't have root access. So you cannot use  
> ldconfig or copy to /usr/local/bin/ or create something in it.

I think there is a big, big difference between a (Linux-) Server with  
no "root" access and a VIRTUAL HOSTING. While technical a virtual  
hosting is some how the same, like a server with no root access, it's  
from the point of the selling companies ways different.

So they limit the execution time for "scripts", memory, ... and they  
forbid a lot of if not most of all software, especially the ones, they  
didn't know about. This all with the argument, that they need to  
protect the customers on the same server against each other.  I must  
admit, I wouldn't love it, if another customer on the same server,  
killing my web page while installing his "new shinny ...." software.

Furthermore it's about maintenance. The ISPs have their standard  
configuration for their several hundreds(?) servers where the virtual  
hosting packages are running on and they just drop an image on the  
machine to install a new one, re-install, ... so while Valentina is  
not so important to be part of the image - let's hope this will change  
in the future :-) - I didn't see a way to become a VServer running on  
a virtual hosting.

But as written of-list we're working on a solution for our customers.


Thorsten Hohage
thohage at genericobjects.de

Valentina Technology Evangelist
generic objects  GmbH - Leiter Solution Center Nord

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