Schema backwards compatibility

jda jda at
Fri May 11 12:19:17 CDT 2007

>Hi Jon,
>If you can spare the time, I would appreciate some more info on this.
>I must confess , I reread your question and still I haven't a clue 
>what you are talking about

>Maybe I have a clue but my way of using the API might be different.
>This is what I did
>Make a new class based on VDatabase ValDB
>in ValDB's constructor ---> call Super.VDatabase --for local dbs
>Depending on what I need
>then I call (no longer in the constructor) depending on situation 
>createdb & deploy  or just opendb
>Now I'm guessing but maybe you have your "deploy statements" already 
>in the constructor of your class and "must" the schema you define in 
>your constructor match the db you are opening ?
>Of course , not urgent, but really appreciated

Hi Bart,

The table constructor defines the table organization. When I open an 
existing database I have to create a new Valentina db instance, and 
then do On .open Valentina (used to) do strict checking 
and throw an exception of the table in the db being opened wasn't 
identical to that defined in the constructor.

As per Ivan's last post, this strict checking is no longer being done.

If that's not clear and you'd like more detail, please contact me 
off-list and I can include some actual code.


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