Will Valentina work with REALbasic 2007 r2 STANDARD Edition?

Kim Kohen kim at webguide.com.au
Mon May 7 19:18:04 CDT 2007

On 08/05/2007, at 10:04 AM, Barry G. Sumpter wrote:

> It's my opinion that we're missing out on a lot of features that a  
> Community
> Forum would bring.
The thing we're most missing is a archive of the mailing list - that  
would be nice. Valentina documentation is a bit hit and miss -  
there's huge volumes of it but sometimes the basic things are missing  
or ambiguous. Sme with the examples. This has been covered in the  
past and I'm hopeful it will be improved as time moves on.

> I'd be interested in starting one that was for Valentina and  
> REALbasic on a
> Windows Platform.
I don't really see the need for such a specific support base. It's  
not like the valentina (or NUG for that matter) lists are flooded  
with problems. In time you'll learn the most important part of your  
valentina plan is having Ruslan available. Once you get used to his  
accent the support is first rate:)

Speaking of which, any word on the baby, Ruslan?



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