[DISCUSS] Diagram of 60 tables

Bart Pietercil bart.pietercil at gmail.com
Fri Mar 23 03:34:18 CDT 2007

>> one
>> (supported) db to another
> As far as I see
>     http://www.dbwrench.com/screenshots/script.shtml
>     forward engineering  == SQL Editor of Vstudio.
>         although no.
>         this is just set of CREATE XXX commands to create db. Right?
>         i.e. Similar to our SQL dump,
>         just splited on few steps/scripts.
>     not sure I am excited by this.


1) create
2) alter
3) Display and organise displays
4) search dataviewer

Functionality wise this may already be in VStudio, but the way the  
functionality is put in the hand of the developer makes for a  
completely different experience.
Being able to experiment and visualise a design BEFORE implementing  
it on the server is a huge bonus.
Being able to SAVE different designs without implementing them on the  
server is another advantage.

DBWrench enables me to load the state of the server (reverse  
engineer) and start playing with the design; when I choose what  
design is the best I can implement this on the server, as a whole or  

If you had already this functionality (like it is implemented in  
DBWrench) I would be VERY excited about VStudio


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