[DISCUSS] Diagram of 60 tables

Bart Pietercil bart.pietercil at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 09:26:47 CDT 2007

On 22-mrt-07, at 14:21, Ruslan Zasukhin wrote:

> On 22/3/07 12:39 PM, "Bart Pietercil" <bart.pietercil at gmail.com>  
> wrote:
>>>> Also we need yet:
>>>>         Develop powerful preferences.
>>>>         Diagram Editor - for visual creation of table and links.
>>>>         Report tool
>>>>         SQL Builder - we have ideas how improve it a lots.
>>> ••••
>>> these are all cool but tend to suggest the user will be doing
>>> everything in VStudio rather than building (or using) a custom
>>> application.
>> The user for me is the developer. I'm building a 60 tables project
>> and I sure would have liked a visual designer for designing and
>> redesigning AND communicating this design with my fellow designers.
>> Being able to generate a visual of a database makes it easier to
>> discuss its design.
>> This for me indicates that Valentina is still very much a "one
>> developer tool" where it doesn't need to be
> Bart,
> If we get diagram like looks one in SQL Builder (have you see it)

URL? google for sqlbuilder gets me 13.000.000 hits :-)

If you want an idea for a relatively modest ERD modeller I keep  
pointing at dbwrench as a tool I found most usefull when working with  
Having that kind of functionality for Valentina inside VStudio or as  
a separate tool would give Valentina software suite a huge boost

As you can see the DBWrench developer hasn't implemented printing  
neither, but you can export Diagrams (views) as pictures that can be  
printed by other tools
Maybe you could talk to the developer ?

I really like the possibilities of reverse engineering and forward  
In my eyes it also has good functionality for converting from one  
(supported) db to another

> But with all 60 tables, then this is okay?
> Of course I EASY SEE here a lots of ideas how such tool can looks:
>     - e.g. Have different names views with different set of tables.
>     - collaps/expand tables to only names
>     - ..
> Having diagram with 60-100 tables at once, what next?
>     Print it ?

As I said printing would be nice, but  not really necessary (when you  
could export (maybe in VISIO xml format (hint))

> But it will not fit A4...so how ?

The design I'm looking at now is on the wall and consists of 20 A4  
glued together



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