Trap Valentina license time limit

Robert Brenstein rjb at
Fri Jul 6 14:02:04 CDT 2007

>Excellent answer Robert.
>Thanks so much for taking the time to compose and post this response.
>Hi all,
>The concept had escaped me without proper documentation and examples.
>There are quite a few of these constants in the XML file.
>How am I to know that this exact constant should be trapped is a certain

Actually, there should be a large collection of examples. I use a 
different development environment, so I can't tell you where they are 
in your distro but they must be somewhere.

In terms of error handling, typically, you'd have a generic trap 
function for execution-time errors which converts the error code into 
error text and shows it to user. If any error requires special 
handling in your app, you check for it explicitly and handle 
accordingly. As Kirill said, yook for example called 
"Common/Error_Handling". There is nothing special about demo mode 
timeout, so there is no need to document it specifically. Actually, 
in normal apps, end users should never see that error since the apps 
are distributed with the developer license embdeded in the code.

In terms of documentation, there are two major issues you should be 
aware of. One, the development of Valentina progresses fairly fast, 
so documentation is always catching up. Two, the people on dev team 
are not native English speakers, so the language is not always as 
clear as it could be. An additional issue is that Valentina works 
cross-platform and in multiple development environments, so the 
documentation focuses mostly on Valentina-specific aspects not on 
more general development practices.

This list is quite helpful, but it may take you a moment to adjust 
your vocabulary a tad. This particularly applies to searching the 
list archives. Even though all databases are basically similar, each 
product, and by extension each group of developers, has its own 
slight twist and way of expressing things.

And normally, you would have gotten more immediate response on the 
list from the lead developer but he happens to be on (quite rare I 
must add) vacation. It also seems that a number of other regulars are 
away or too busy.


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