V4RB 2.5.3 Indexing crash, again

Steve Albin steve at steve-albin.com
Thu Jan 11 23:29:06 CST 2007

I've narrowed down the parameters involved with my app that crashes when indexing a database.   The app is created on a Mac with RB2006r3 and V4RB 2.5.3.  The app works fine on the Mac, but the problems arise when running the Windows version.

I am convinced the problem is in my app and not a bug in Valentina,  but I'm at a dead end in debugging and I'm hoping I can get a lead from a list member that may have an insight into my problem

When I open a database without an index or reindex an open database, my app crashes hard - no exception processing.  The database is originally created using mode 5 - a .vdb and .ind file.  I use the class way to open my DB. The resultant .ind file is about half the size it should be.  If I open a database that already has a valid index, then the app will crash when doing a DatabaseReIndex command from within the app.

Here's the kicker - if I change the following line of code in the Open event handler of the app class:
        Valentina.DebugLevel  = EVDebugLevel.kLogNothing
        Valentina.DebugLevel  = EVDebugLevel.kLogParams
then the app will not crash!  

I have tried to create a smaller app for demo purposes using the exact database classes copied from the crashing app and opening the same DB, but that app will not crash at all.  This is why I'm fairly certain that the bug is not in Valentina.  But, I've looked and looked and cannot see why my app is crashing and have no idea why the debuglevel setting should have anything to do with this.  The app seems to work fine in all other ways aside from index creation.

Can anyone on the list give me a clue as to what I might look at for this....  before I quit programming and commit myself to an asylum!

Thanks in advance,

Steve Albin - Montclair, NJ

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