Release Notes for 2.5.6?

Beatrix Willius bwillius at
Mon Feb 26 02:08:27 CST 2007


either I'm blind or it's Monday morning, but I can't seem to find the release notes for V2RB 2.5.6 on the Paradigma site. The newest one is for 2.5.5. What happend to the good old tradition of including it with the download? There are only two bug fixes mentioned from Mantis, but I'm interested in the kernel changes, which can make the final app smaller.

What can I do to convince you that a comprehensive documentation is an important part of any application? This includes:

- release notes for every release
- one place for the storage of the documentation
- ability to print the documentation
- ability to have the documentation offline
- commented examples
- documentation needs to be written by an english native speeker 


Trixi Willius
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