tables and binary links

Bart Pietercil bart.pietercil at
Fri Feb 9 13:29:37 CST 2007

On 9-feb-07, at 19:24, Ruslan Zasukhin wrote:
> On 9/2/07 7:53 PM, "Bart Pietercil" <bart.pietercil at> wrote:
>>>> Schema:
>>>> Organisations --> cells <----members (personnel)
> Right now I'd recommend use
>     ObjectPtrs for 1:1  and M:1
>     BinaryLink      M:M to replace link-tables with 2 fields.

So are you saying that when you have had the chance to optimize the  
code, the binary link will be preferable ?
In my eyes it feels like this design would be preferable because it  
makes the database schema much more flexible. It feels like being  
able to store joins to different entities on a as-needed basis.

OK That's clear.

I think I get the binary concept which feels very powerful

Two more questions

1) Also missing from the web page: Refactoring of links

Does the fact that you mention it means I can (if this would be  
needed) refactor the structure of the db back to the relational model  
(let's say a client changes engines from Valentina to Oracle ;-)) and  
I need to convert the Valentina data to Oracle and I need to export  
"linked based" Valentina to pk-fk engine. No problem ?

2)Switching between online Valentina Server and Offline local  
Valentina DB.

Two things I read in the manual
1) when creating cursors in can specify that they are "serverside"
2)I just need to specify in the connection method that I connect to  
local or Server database.

===> How are "serverside" cursors (defined in my code to optimize  
speed) handled when I switched to the local version?
Transparently (I can just leave the "serverside" in the code, the  
local db is smart enough to disregard it)
or do I need to work with "if Serverconnected then serverside else  
normal behaviour" ? (I hope not)


Bart Pietercil

PS: Hope you don't mind me asking all those questions but we decided  
to go with Valentina, in the beginning of a very big project, where  
mistakes in design will haunt us for years.

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