VPHP and valentina @-variables

Ruslan Zasukhin sunshine at public.kherson.ua
Fri Aug 24 10:27:57 CDT 2007

On 24/8/07 4:35 PM, "Bart Pietercil" <bart.pietercil at gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Bart,

> Hi List, Ruslan,
> while working on the concept of our web-applications, the following
> question arises:
> When I initiate a connection with valentina_connect I assume the
> connection is between php and valentina.


    VPHP => Vclient     =========>   VSERVER

When you do 

    valentina_connect( host, .. )

Corresponded vserver show in log:

    client connected ...

>   If I need to use client specific valentinavariables(i.e.
> @CustomerID) do I need to reset those every query that I send, or
> will php open multiple connections ?

Why it needs open multiple ?
> If it uses the same connection for answering requests from multiple
> sources how can I then work with connection-specific @-variables

>From what multiple sources?
    you have connect to ONE Valentina Server

If you need connect to another then you need second

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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