Vista OS

Steve Albin steve at
Sun Aug 5 11:08:13 CDT 2007

On Sunday, August 5, 2007 lfredricks at (Lynn Fredricks) wrote:

>Right now we test with several operating systems and some like Vista will
>get a lot more love in the future.

The "future" is rather ambiguous.  Vista is here now.  It's one thing for a hobbyist supporting a few academics for free to go blindly into the future, but not recommended for commercial developers.

>When it comes to V4RB, it's a good idea to touch base with other developers
>that are also using the same plugins (not just V4RB) that you are. There is
>a healthy supply of plugins available now for REALbasic, but some receive
>little testing or conflict with each other or versions of REALbasic. I think
>REALbasic itself has been tested fairly thoroughly on Vista but its very
>likely that REAL hasn't added in the top 20 plugins and see what blows up. I
>know of at least one Valentina user that is moving to a new development
>environment for exactly this reason.

V4RB is the only plugin I use.  In this instance of my app crashing, I would lay odds that it is a bug introduced by me or something Valentina can't handle.  The app starts on Vista and the windows display, but it is when the database is navigated that the crashes occur.  It may very well be something I need to change to accommodate Vista and nothing at all related to a bug in Valentina.  We all know that code that works fine on a Mac won't necessarily work for Windows and we adjust.  But, I can't say anything for sure because I can't test on Vista.  That is why I ask if anyone else is experiencing difficulties.

In my opinion, it is just plain irresponsible to imply that REAL is the culprit here if Paradigma hasn't tested with Vista.  True, REAL should have an interest in making sure that plugins work, but your interest in that should outweigh REAL's.  Furthermore, how should REAL test your plugin?  Just as I don't expect Paradigma to fix anything I can't reproduce for them, how would REAL know what to look for?  Paradigma maintains a test bed of thousands of conditions.  It could be just one that is causing a problem on Vista.

Maybe you should put something on the web site to let customers know that Valentina for REALbasic is not supported on Vista since you imply that it is not.


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