FindLinked and FindLinkedAsBitSet inconsistency

Joakim Schramm joakim at
Wed May 10 10:21:40 CDT 2006


This is all VCOM

I find the functions FindLinked and FindLinkedAsBitSet functions to be
inconsistent. The names imply they do the same thing but that's not really

FindLinked returns VArraySet based on parameters RecID as Integer , TableA
as IVTable, TableBas IVTable

FindLinkedAsBitSet returns VBitSet (fine so far) BUT based in parameters
inSet as IVSet, TableA as IVTable, TableBas IVTable - with the current
naming I expect first parameter to be RecID as Integer as well, which the
other link functions do returning as set (if not apply to whole tables).

Now FindLinkedAsBitSet rather looks like a type of "convertion" function to
me, and honestly I am not really sure how this is supposed to work as the
Example is for FindLinked

Set res = Link.FindLinked( rec, TblA, TblB )

Which is same example as in other function.

The mix of return sets IVBitSet and IVArraySet also makes these functions
harder to use in an effective way, and harder to understand.


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